速報APP / 教育 / GPS Transect

GPS Transect



檔案大小:8.8 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.10 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


GPS Transect(圖1)-速報App

GPS — Transect will compute various parameters associated with GPS readings or transects. GPS has become a vital tool for people working in the environmental sciences; and transects are used extensively for collecting data in biological research and for management purposes. This program will aid in positioning transects in an unbiased manner. Computed waypoints from this program can be entered into a handheld GPS unit so stations can be easily located when in the field.

GPS Transect(圖2)-速報App

GPS Transect(圖3)-速報App

GPS Transect(圖4)-速報App

GPS Transect(圖5)-速報App